It has been an exciting and exhausting couple weeks. Being sworn in to represent Essex Junction was an honor. Having Sam and Jon watching made the day that much better. Sam has learned a lot in the last few months about campaigning, the three branches of government and the statehouse. During their drive to Montpelier on our first day, Jon asked Sam why he thought I might be good at this job. Sam didn't hesitate when he said "because she speaks up". I will continue to speak up for Essex Junction residents and at the same time teach Sam the importance of being engaged. Listening to both Governor Shumlin's departing speech and Governor Scott's inaugural address was inspiring. There is much about Vermont that is special - the landscape, the people, the lake and the many ways we lead the nation. But we have many challenges ahead - water clean-up, the opioid epidemic, and aging population. I look forward to tackling these challenges with the thoughtful representatives serving this biennium and with your input.
Mitzi Johnson, Representative from South Hero, was elected as Speaker of the House. I wholeheartedly supported this decision. Mitzi brings a wealth of information from her role as House Appropriations chair and is a strong advocate for results based accountability. She has a vision for the House that I believe in and support. During the first week committee assignments were made and I landed in the healthcare committee. As some of you know Jon had a health crisis back in 2006 and again in 2013. So although I don't have any policy experience, I have practical experience and look forward to ensuring our healthcare system works for our residents. I will be posting much more about the healthcare committee in the coming days, weeks and months. As exciting as the last few weeks have been, they have also been exhausting. Adjusting to a new schedule, meeting new people and learning as if drinking from a fire house - definitely take a toll. That is why this website has been slow in coming online. For that I apologize, but look forward to more frequent updates. Don't hesitate to reach out with questions and comments. If you want me to write about a particular topic, please let me know. Best way to reach me: [email protected] or 373-0599. Thanks for reading!
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